Bug#567358: network-manager-openconnect: dbus warning at boot for unknown username

2011-10-28 Thread Jorge Ibáñez
Hi, same problem here with network-manager-openconnect 0.8.4, the following fixed the problem for me groupadd -r nm-openconnect useradd -r -s /sbin/nologin -d / -M -c 'NetworkManager user for OpenConnect' -g nm-openconnect nm-openconnect source: https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/1 Cheers, Jorg

Bug#572237: Debian package fbxkb (0.6-1) lenny/squeeze/sid - i can't see usa flag (us.png)

2010-08-18 Thread Jorge Ibáñez
Hi Yurii, this error seems duplicated from http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=541990 Instead of this hack, you can either use svn as pointed by Clemens or patch the stable version. Cheers

Bug#541990: fbxkb: a patch to fix the bug for 0.6 version

2010-08-18 Thread Jorge Ibáñez
Hi, I found a patch that can fix this issue for the current stable version (0.6), probably applied already in svn version, i didn't digged in to it: http://himdel.mine.nu/fbxkb.patch -- patch init - --- a/fbxkb.c 2006-12-18 21:47:52.0 + ++

Bug#549076: live-helper: squeeze/sid debian-installer uses wrong kernel version

2009-09-30 Thread Jorge Ibáñez
Package: live-helper Version: 1.0.5-2 Severity: normal When building an i386 (will try amd64 as well, probably fails also) squeeze/sid live system with debian installer support, installation fails due to modules not present for running kernel. The kernel/initrd installed is the same as lenny inst

Bug#495924: lxpanel no application specific icons on taskbar bugfix

2008-11-19 Thread Jorge Ibáñez
Hi, i also had the same problem. It's specific to amd64 machines. I have several lenny installations and all of the i386 works OK whereas all of the amd64 has this bug. Compiling from latest source (the same as lenny repository in fact) doesn't solve this issue, nor packages from Andrew Lee's pers