Bug#834191: I am silly

2016-08-12 Thread Jonas Thiem
I'm silly, I somehow thought reportbug's warning about the package not being installed didn't also mean it doesn't even exist.. I meant to file this bug for package ca-cacert ( https://packages.debia n.org/sid/misc/ca-cacert ), but apparently that package was removed anyway? I'm confused, and I ho

Bug#834191: ca-cert: Fedora / Red Hat thinks CACert license is non-free

2016-08-12 Thread Jonas Thiem
Package: ca-cert Severity: normal Tags: upstream The Red Hat legal team has reviewed the CACert licensing, which appears to have this copyright license which must be adhered to when including and using the certificates: http://www.cacert.org/policy/RootDistributionLicense.html They seem to thin