Bug#689634: texlive-latex-extra: cweb-latex doesn't work: a missing file and a necessary patch

2012-10-04 Thread Javier M Mora
Package: texlive-latex-extra Version: 2012.20120611-2 Severity: normal Dear Maintainer, *** Please consider answering these questions, where appropriate *** * What led up to the situation? * What exactly did you do (or not do) that was effective (or ineffective)? * What was the outc

Bug#613552: ~/.local/share/googlecl don't exists when trying create ~/.local/share/googlecl/access_tok_*

2011-02-15 Thread Javier M Mora
Package: googlecl Version: 0.9.12-1 Severity: grave Justification: renders package unusable Access_tok_* permisions file can't be saved in ~/.local/share/googlecl if directory doesn't exist (googlecl doesn't create the directory) Without that file, googlecl doesn't work. Because you don't have

Bug#572779: Patch

2010-03-06 Thread Javier M Mora
I created a patch with: diff -Naur "Original" "Mycopy" > patch Here is the patch: --- festival.el 2005-01-12 02:11:06.0 +0100 +++ /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/festival.el 2010-03-06 23:10:20.0 +0100 @@ -123,15 +123,16 @@ (interactive ) (let ((process-connection-type t))

Bug#572779: script of festival to use with emacs doesn't work if character set of system is UTF-8

2010-03-06 Thread Javier M Mora
Package: festival Version: 1.96~beta-10 Severity: normal Tags: l10n patch festival needs a ISO-8895-1 (Latin-1) coding file to process and speak. In systems with UTF-8 encoding (or whatelse different of Latin-1) emacs send files to festival in UTF-8 and festival doesn't work well. The solution