Bug#575413: nscd crash when running in paranoia mode with restart-interval

2010-03-25 Thread JP Ayanides
Package: nscd Version: 2.7-18lenny2 Severity: important when running with these parameters: paranoiayes restart-interval1800 nscd crash insteed of restart when launched in paranoia mode. here is strace result with -F option: [pid 19826] clock_gettime(CLOCK_

Bug#575404: crontab fail to run /etc/init.d/nscd

2010-03-25 Thread JP Ayanides
Package: nscd Version: 2.7-18lenny1 Severity: normal Tags: patch /etc/init.d/nscd file call start-stop-daemon but without path. So, when called by crontab, /etc/init.d/nscd will fail. To reproduce the issue, add following line to root crontab * * * * * /etc/init.d/nscd status >/tmp/nscd.log 2>&1