Bug#895575: closed by Hanno 'Rince' Wagner (Mailing list created)

2018-10-03 Thread Helen Koike Fornazier
Hi Hanno, Thanks you, but there is a typo in the name of the list, it should end with an 's' -> s/debian-mulhere/debian-mulheres Could you please renamed it? Thanks On Wed, Oct 3, 2018 at 2:21 PM Debian Bug Tracking System wrote: > > This is an automatic notification regarding your Bug report >

Bug#904811: workaround

2018-07-28 Thread Helen Koike Fornazier
I found the documentation to fix this: https://pbuilder-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/faq.html#avoiding-the-ln-invalid-cross-device-link-message We just need to set: APTCACHEHARDLINK=no But it would be nice if it could detect automatically, so moving this bug to whishlist.