Bug#898437: RFS: retroshare-0.6.4 -- Secure/decentralized communication

2018-05-11 Thread Cyril Soler
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: normal Tags: newcomer From: Cyril Soler To: sub...@bugs.debian.org Subject: RFS: retroshare/0.6.4 Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: normal Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "retroshare" * Pa

Bug#659069: RFP: retroshare -- Friend-to-friend network client for secure messaging and file exchange

2018-05-08 Thread Cyril Soler
cript (works for ubuntu+debian) replaces debian/control it with a custom file that depends on the distribution and uses Qt5 most of the time, so it shoudn't be hard to fix. Best regards C. On 08/05/2018 08:37, Niels Thykier wrote: > Cyril Soler: >> The retroshare software already sh

Bug#659069: Info received (Bug#659069: Info received (Bug#659069: why hasn't this been packaged yet? figured Debian folks would be all over it))

2018-05-07 Thread Cyril Soler
s what I thought I was asking for. Maybe the tag "RFP" is not appropriate then? Thx for the help. We're definitely making some progress! Cyril On 07/05/2018 20:15, Niels Thykier wrote: > Cyril Soler: >> Could anyone from Debian consider this request please? It&#x

Bug#659069: Info received (Bug#659069: Info received (Bug#659069: why hasn't this been packaged yet? figured Debian folks would be all over it))

2018-05-07 Thread Cyril Soler
Could anyone from Debian consider this request please? It's been 6 years now, and I believe that a decent number of users are actually expecting Debian to package Retroshare. Thx!

Bug#659069: Info received (Bug#659069: why hasn't this been packaged yet? figured Debian folks would be all over it)

2018-03-20 Thread Cyril Soler
Also, For your information, Retroshare has been compiled and packaged for Debian 7+8+9 already. All packages, dependencies and compilation scripts are available here: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/home:g10h4ck:branches:home:AsamK:RetroShare/RetroShare I stay fully available if you need

Bug#659069: why hasn't this been packaged yet? figured Debian folks would be all over it

2018-03-20 Thread Cyril Soler
Retroshare now compiles and runs with Qt5. Qt4 is not a requirement anymore. Could you update us on your status? Thx!!

Bug#659069: why hasn't this been packaged yet? figured Debian folks would be all over it

2017-08-14 Thread Cyril Soler
It's been a long time since this software was put in the list. Why is nothing happening? I can offer my help (as a maintainer of the retroshare software) for anything if needed.

Bug#850421: patch for bug #850421 in libsqlcipher0

2017-08-04 Thread Cyril Soler
Also affects Retroshare. The software is impossible to release on stretch because of this bug. Given the simplicity of the fix above, I dont understand why debian still ships with the crashing libsqlcipher0.

Bug#659069: getting retroshare in Debian

2012-11-15 Thread Cyril Soler
/2012 04:05 PM, Antoine Beaupré wrote: > On 2012-11-12, Cyril Soler wrote: >> To disable it, remove the entry plugins in the .pro file of the src/ >> directory. > > Alright. > >> I'm surprised you can't find the correct package name. I know that on the >>

Bug#659069: getting retroshare in Debian

2012-11-13 Thread Cyril Soler
ge.sh". The rest of it are various scripts called by this one. There's also scripts in build_scripts/Debian that seem to be pretty much up to date although they make binary packages only. Hope it's useful. On 11/12/2012 04:05 PM, Antoine Beaupré wrote: > On 2012-11-12, Cyril Sol

Bug#659069: getting retroshare in Debian

2012-11-11 Thread Cyril Soler
ian version are you using? I can ask users around in my own network. Many of them are using debian. On 11/12/2012 04:38 AM, Antoine Beaupré wrote: > On 2012-11-11, Cyril Soler wrote: >> ah. You don't need to compile this. It's just the VOIP plugin. > > How do I disable its co

Bug#659069: getting retroshare in Debian

2012-11-11 Thread Cyril Soler
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 ah. You don't need to compile this. It's just the VOIP plugin. If you want to, you need to install the qt mobility library. On ubuntu it's qtmobility-dev For the patch, yes of course you can include it in the DEBIAN package. Thanks! On 11/11/20

Bug#659069: getting retroshare in Debian

2012-11-09 Thread Cyril Soler
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Hi, The problem on debian is that they're using a verison of libupnp that has version number v1.6.17 but has been patched to comply to function prototypes of version 1.8 (I hope I'm ok with version numbers). So using an ifdef on the version number