Bug#1023764: Bug 1023764

2022-12-07 Thread Brian Haley
This change has merged: https://review.opendev.org/c/x/networking-l2gw/+/866620 If you want to try and build again.

Bug#1023764: Bug 1023764

2022-12-05 Thread Brian Haley
It looks like the problem is that networking-l2gw is requiring a version of neutron that doesn't have this method. I've pushed a change that might solve the issue: https://review.opendev.org/c/x/networking-l2gw/+/866620 Unless it's easier to just dump this in a package file?

Bug#423252: Racoon package update

2007-05-10 Thread Brian Haley
Package: racoon Version: 1:0.6.6-3.1 There was a CVE entered recently about racoon/ipsec-tools: http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2007-1841 Debian is vulnerable. There is a new ipsec-tools source package on sourceforge (0.6.7) that fixes the vulnerability. -- To UNSUBSCRIBE


2006-11-13 Thread Brian Haley
Hi, I also ran into this problem and have tried both patches here. I don't really like the second one since in addition to having to supply a -v flag you get spurious warnings depending on what address families are installed: netstat: no support for `AF IPX' on this system. netstat: no supp

Bug#218411: yExttendder is here now! Do not waise your time cotty

2005-03-25 Thread Brian Haley
new... it's working! exxtend your tool now! simple and easy, a few minutes and you got yourself a hugge tool! you'll get tired of scrrewing, for sure! come take a look now! The new, bast Exttendder online store! http://cowhide.uidm.com/pe/jenna/pare.htm kurtis blow releases quot the breaks quo