Bug#357044: openoffice.org-hunspell

2006-03-15 Thread Andrew Toth
spell openoffice.org-hunspell provides openoffice.org2-hunspell openoffice.org-hunspell függ ett�Ql: openoffice.org-core (>= 2.0.1) (translation: ütközik ezzel = conflict with függ ett�Ql = depends on ) -- Tisztelettel: / Grüße / Yours sincerely, Andrew Toth [EMAIL PROTECTED] MSN

Bug#340481: solving2

2005-11-23 Thread Andrew Toth
Or we can add a line to our /etc/apt/sources.list (thx to Skip - argay21 - for the tip ): deb ftp://xenia.sote.hu/pub/mirrors/java.blackdown.org/debian testing non-free

Bug#340481: solving

2005-11-23 Thread Andrew Toth
We can download a good version of j2re from here: http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/download.html

Bug#340481: freemind - unable to install

2005-11-23 Thread Andrew Toth
urs sincerely,    Andrew Toth   BMF-NIK, BMF-Humán     [EMAIL PROTECTED]     MSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ: 311-837-92