New GNUAB Archive key

2006-01-06 Thread Guillem Jover
Hi, The GNUAB Archive key expired some days ago. I've created a new one, uploaded it to the keyservers, and it's the one that will start to be used for new signatures. The key is: pub 1024D/CD02E583 2006-01-06 [expires: 2007-01-31] Key fingerprint = FBA8 1337 C506 565B 8E10 7B00 F621 FF

Rising Stars Equity Report

2006-01-06 Thread Jean Hatcher
Sto ck Al ert for Friday JAn 6th iPackets International, Inc. Global Developer and Provider of a Wide Range of Wireless and Communications Solutions for Selected Enterprises Including Mine-Safety (Source: News 1/3/06) OTC: IPKL Price: .36 Huge PR For Friday is Underway on IPKL..Radar it Rite N