I know we are really really close to release time, but I'm worried about
partman usability. We talked about some of these issues during debconf4,
but I've seen that partman is still the same.
Is there still a chance to change some part of this?
I have some ideas on how to make it a little b
> See last IRC meeting log. Anton mentioned he will work on
> this. Manpower is missing aroung this, I'm afraid
Ok, here is my report, for what it's worth. I hope it can help making a
* Main screen.
-= This is about moving the things on the screen. A few string changes. =-
Hola Anton Zinoviev!
> > Then, I think that a GREAT difference could be made by transforming the "Help"
> > and "Finish" options into buttons at the bottom of the screen.
> This is something that cdebconf doesn't allow (for now).
Uhm? I'm talking about a button like the "Back" button. Are you s
Package: installation-reports
I've finished an installation with the latest floppies from
Everything went smoothly except for one (or maybe two) thing. The
language was not set at second stage. When I checked in the
questions.dat file, I
A friend of mine has just installed Debian from the Beta4 netinstall.
Now, I know this is kind of obsolete, but since I found this old,
unresolved bug report that seems related to this, I thought that maybe
the problem is still present with current builds.
The machine is a Celeron 700 with 3
installation was continued manually (kernel,
fstab configuration, ssh, etc).
I hope you find this report useful.
Margarita Manterola
- End forwarded message -
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
This is what I've been doing in the past two days. Happily most of them
are success stories:
* netinst in Spanish with DHCP and default valuesOK
* usbkeychain in Italian with DHCP and def. values OK
* usbkeychain in English with DHCP and def. values OK
* usbkeychain
Package: installation-reports
Severity: normal
I was with Noodles, testing the netboot installer on his laptop. We
wanted to try something fancy, so we installed in a certain partition he
had free, formatting it in XFS. The idea was not to touch the rest of
the installation that he had in h
Hello from the debconf4 d-i lab!
This is what I've checked today:
* Business card. en_AU. DHCP. linux. RAID
2 RAID partitions. 1 MD device. Formatted in ext3. OK
* Business card. es_ES. DHCP. linux26. LVM
1 LVM partition. 1 VG. 3 LV.
Formatted in reiserfs, xfs and jf
Package: partman
Severity: normal
So, we all know partman is really not easy for users. If you pick any
of the auto options is OK, but if you have to do it manually it's really
So, it would be helpful to have some help that would allow the user to
know what is what. Like what a "mount poi
I've just installed Debian on a Sparc32. With no monitor. I installed
this using the serial console as output, and the netboot image as
installation method.
Some /proc/cpuinfo:
cpu : Texas Instruments, Inc. - MicroSparc
fpu : TI MicroSparc on chip FPU
In the checklist, there are a couple of languages missing:
Galego is quite ok (although not completely translated). There was one
problem with the "Sí" answer, but I believe Christian has fixed this
(both for Galego and Català).
Portugues is actually two languages, Brazilian and Portugal's, and
Package: installation-reports
Severity: minor
When installing from network (business card, usb keychain, or netboot),
the user is prompted for apt source at first stage, and then prompted
again at second stage.
I believe this is due to base-config not being pre-seeded with those
values already e
Package: installation-reports
Severity: grave
I was trying to install Simon Richter's Amiga computer, and we couldn't
even boot up the kernel, due to the lack of the pm2fb video driver.
Can it be included ASAP, so that we can test it before the end of the
debconf, pretty please?
ation is
unnecesary, but your message gave me the impression that you skipped
this step.
Sorry if it doesn't help.
Margarita Manterola.
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hola Karl Hegbloom!
> > If the user selects XFS for the root file system, the installer warns
> > that it will not work with grub. Which is actually true, I've tested it
> > twice and it didn't work :).
> Then what is "xfs_stage1_5" for, in /boot/grub? I think I used to have
> an XFS / with Grub
Package: installation-reports
Severity: normal
I was testing d-i with a trio of SCSI drives today. The three of them
connected to an Adaptec AHA 2940 controller.
I used the daily-build floppies installation, with network access.
Everything went well until I got to partman. There were no
Package: installation-reports
Severity: wishlist
I was trying to do something fancy today, having a machine with 3 SCSI
drives, free for installation. And I thought it would be nice if -given
the fact that we can configure RAID1 directly from the installer- we
could also have RAID5 directly
Package: installation-reports
Severity: normal
Hi! I tested the daily-build floppies installation on a normal computer,
with network access.
Everything went quite fine, but when it rebooted, the screen was broken.
Not as before, instead of showing messy characters in place of the
borders, there
Package: partman
Severity: minor
I was trying to create 3 partitions for RAID use, and I wanted them to be
of exactly the same size. But the discs I was using were not of exactly
the same size. One of them had 2 extra sectors.
The problem is that, when I created the partitions, I had no re
A friend of mine reported to me that he had done an installation with
tc1 buisness card, selecting all of the default values and that no swap
partition was created.
I find this really strange, specially after finding out how the recipes
really work, and I'm a bit suspicious of this report (the guy
Hola Recai Oktas!
> > As a remainder, the fix to the old problem was to execute:
> > consolechars lat0-sun16.psf.gz
> > when the encoding was ISO-8859-1.
> Having a similar appearance as #250376 which is closed now, I think this
> problem should be resolved with the new release of languagecho
Hola Geert Stappers!
> Debian-installer-version:
> http://people.debian.org/~joeyh/d-i/images/20040607/netboot/
> a network boot using http://etherboot.org for the boot software at client side.
> Used unstable from http://ftp.nl.debian.org for packages.
Could you try using testing, and tell us w
As some of you know, I was trying to install a Macintosh LC III
Some specs of this machine:
CPU: 68030
FPU: 68882
Ram: 12Mb
Now, I know the installer requires a minimum of 24Mb/32Mb, but I was
still willing to find out how far I could get with it.
I installed Penguin 19, so that
Hola Thiemo Seufer!
> [snip: Mac with 12 MB]
> > It's an OOPS. I have the screenshot on a digital camera. These are the
> > lines I copied from the screen:
> > Data write fault at 0x00AFF000 in Super Data (pc=0x214FC)
> > Bad Kernel BUSERR
> > (...)
> > Process Swapper (pid=1, st
Package: installation-reports
Severity: minor
When installing Grub with the new debian-installer in a machine that
already has some windows installed, grubs adds a "Other operating
systems" option, and then the "Windows 98/..." option.
The "Other operating systems" doesn't actually do anything,
Package: partman-auto
Severity: minor
The way partman-auto decides the swap size is quit puzzling.
I've read the recipes, and I understand the algorithm, but yet, I was
taught since my first GNU/Linux days that sawp size is related to memory
size, and partman-auto is deciding only upon hard drive
Hola martin f krafft!
> > Your guess is right. Try with businesscard images.
Just to make things clear, the "netinst" is the "110Mb CD image" and
DOES have the base system to be installed from CD. The apt repository
is selected just before the base system installation
The "businesscard" is the
Package: partman
Severity: minor
Using partman to edit the partition table can be quite annoying. One of
the things is, for example, the time between screens. It might not be
evident if you have a fast machine, but testing it with a PII or similar
is enough to make anyone crazy (you can't i
Package: installation-reports
Severity: minor
When starting to install, the first thing the installer does is validate
the Release file, or something.
What it outputs on the screen says something like "Validating
Sarge_invalid_dists_Release"... It's really confusing to see that it's
validating an
Package: prebaseconfig
Severity: important
With the latest floppy images, I installed an i386 machine. Everything
went smooth as usual. The only thing unusual I did was to do some
special partitioning, to leave space for a dual-boot system.
When rebooting into second stage, debconf priority had
Package: installation-reports
A friend of mine just tried to install sarge from floppies, both beta4
and daily build, into a Pentium II (Deschutes).
He could not finish the installation because his hard drive could not be
detected, the /dev/ide directory was empty.
After asking on IRC, I told
Hola Joey Hess!
> > What can be the reason for this?
> Dunno, can you send us the syslog please?
Uhm, which syslog? The d-i one? The box has been installed with woody
installer by now. But I could ask my friend to run the installer again
tocopy some files... Is that what you are asking?
Hola Osamu Aoki!
> > He could not finish the installation because his hard drive could not be
> > detected, the /dev/ide directory was empty.
> Unless you tried to load cd-drivers.img or net-drivers.img, this may be
> normal if he tried to see them after mounting root.img.
He did load the net-dri
* Add task-cinnamon-desktop.
+ -- Margarita Manterola Sat, 06 Sep 2014 12:39:19 +0200
tasksel (3.21) unstable; urgency=low
[ Changwoo Ryu ]
diff -Nru tasksel-3.21/debian/control tasksel-3.22/debian/control
--- tasksel-3.21/debian/control 2014-08-21 06:58:35.0 +0200
+++ tasksel-3.22/d
El Sábado 6 Septiembre 2014 21:29 CEST, Joey Hess Ha escrito:
> Some things that seem to be missing from the cinnamon
> task that are included in other desktop tasks:
> * package management (eg synaptic)
I'm not a fan of synaptic, but I've added it to cinnamon-desktop-environment as
a Recom
> - -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> The winners are:
>Option M `middle`
>Option H `hard`
> - -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> Dear Marga, as Chair, could you please make use of your castin
Package: Installation-reports
Severity: normal
I'm installing quite a number of machines with RC1, and I've encountered
this bug many times.
At second stage, when selecting the timezone, the Argentinian time zones
show up, this is ok, although the screen is screwd up (it would be nice
if this was
Package: partman
Severity: normal
In a dual-boot lab I work for, the Windows administrator recently screwd
up all our GNU/Linux installations.
In many of the machines, he screwd up the partition table using
Partition Magic, or some other proprietary crap. The thing is that the
disc was left with
to a common ADSL modem, the net installation can be completed
without further ado.
Margarita Manterola.
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I don't think anyone is working on this, and I'm not convinced it's very
> useful anyway. If users are going to deviate from the default for the
> language settings they picked right before, I'm quite confident they can
> pick the right keymap, or go back to this question when they later
> n
Hey there!
It's been a couple of years, but base-installer and debootstrap are
still in this odd state where base-installer wants the script to be
just the distribution and debootstrap wants it to be the full path.
So, whatever you put in the preseed you get an error (alas, the
base-installer one
be looking for the city I'm in
the middle of a mess of cities of the whole continent.
Tasksel and Aptitude
There's no going "back" from Tasksel... I selected tasksel only to see
which tasks I had available, but thinking of using aptitude to do the
proper in
Package: installation-reports
This is quite important, but I was told it has an easy fix:
When the user selects the language in the debian-installer, it pre-seeds
the locales, this is great, but the problem is that it does not pre-seed
the default-locale, so the default stays at C (tested with en
ofb option that translates into the whole string?
* After installing a Sarge CD, the debian_version file in /etc says
testing/unstable, although it's only testing. I know this has been
always like that, but does it make sense? I think it should say
Thanks for all the job yo
Hola Joey Hess!
> > > * It would be great to have the initial help translated. We are having
> > > everything translated but for the initial screens. Is it terribly hard?
> > > I guess it is, but yet, it would be really good to have it translated.
> > Yep, it's probably very hard as this is a ch
> > When the user selects the language in the debian-installer, it pre-seeds
> > the locales, this is great, but the problem is that it does not pre-seed
> > the default-locale, so the default stays at C (tested with en_US).
I t
Package: installation-reports
Severity: minor
While testing RAID creation I realized that if you create the RAID
volume before finishing the partition table, then the partition table
is broken, because the kernel cannot acknowledge the new partition.
Actually, I realized that this was somewhat ex
Package: partman
Severity: normal
I know the partman menu is changing, so I hope this report gets there
before the templates get translated.
The LVM and RAID options have to be NOT there until you have actually
selected a LVM or RAID volume.
I don't know how difficult this might be or not,
Package: installation-reports
Severity: normal
If the user selects XFS for the root file system, the installer warns
that it will not work with grub. Which is actually true, I've tested it
twice and it didn't work :).
I think that a safer approach would be that if the user says that he
DOES want
Package: installation-reports
Severity: minor
Sorry for filing this as installation-reports, but I'm not sure to which
packages these comments should go.
I tested the business-card daily-build, with the "installgui" command.
This is not about the installation itself, but about some GUI thin
On 12/29/06, Margarita Manterola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
This is just a small wishlist but, would it be possible to detect the
double-click on a selected item as a "Continue"?
I really expected that to work in the GUI interface.
Well, I found out that this actually works.
Package: installation-reports
Severity: minor
This installation was done with the business-card daily-build for today
(Dec 29th), it went quite fine, but some things didn't behave as expected,
and thus I'm filing this report.
Boot method: business-card CD
Image version:
On 1/28/07, Robert Millan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Due to continued problems with "Slashdot effect" I've moved this temporarily
to gluck (http://goodbye-microsoft.com/ now redirects automaticaly).
Is "goodbye-microsoft" really the better name for this? I understand
that it can be funny. But:
On 1/28/07, Geert Stappers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Op 28-01-2007 om 11:13 schreef Margarita Manterola:
> On 1/28/07, Robert Millan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Due to continued problems with "Slashdot effect" I've moved this
> >temporarily t
close 259017
I'm sorry, the machine with which this bug report was filed has now been
put into production, and cannot be used for testing. Hence, I'm closing
the bug report.
Anyway, I believe the bug is probably fixed.
Marga. (\)_
To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [
close 251298
I have just done a new installation in Spanish, with rc2, and the locale
was preseeded correctly.
Thanks for fixing this bug!
Marga. (\)_
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTEC
Package: countrychooser
Severity: minor
Tags: patch
There are 2 small typo bugs in the Spanish translations.
I'm attaching a patch.
--- es.po 2004-10-07 13:51:11.0 -0300
+++ es_new.po 2004-11-26 15:37:25.0 -0300
@@ -71,14 +71,14 @@
"or regions.
Since this is a Successful installation report, I'm not filing it as a bug.
I've just installed RC2 in a Sempron machine, that had WinXP installed in
I booted with linux26, resized the NTFS partition with partman (this is
kind of a hidden feature, isn't it? :), from 40GB to 10GB, and finished
Package: installation-reports
Severity: minor
This report was done with RC2 CDs, downloaded via bittorrent
Known by my will to do weird things, this time I tried booting from the
second CD, instead of the first. It listed only "linux" and "expert" as
booting methods, so I chose "linux"
But I co
Package: base-config
Serverity: normal
I've seen this bug for a while now. Sorry for not reporting it earlier.
When prompted to select the timezone, at second stage of the installer, if
you have chosen "Argentina" as the country, you get a dialog that is too
big to fit on screen, but can be
On 9/1/06, Tapio Lehtonen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Installation guide says in Chapter 2:
"If your system has a 64-bits AMD64, Intel EM64t or Intel Core 2 Duo
processor, you will probably want to use the installer for the amd64
architecture instead of the installer for the (32-bits) i386
Re-directing to debian-user-spanish...
On 10/19/06, Favel Brito Marquez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Saludos, estoy teniendo probleas a la hora de las particiones, mi disco duro
es de 160 Gb y esta totalmente vacio, mi pc es P4 a 3.00 Ghz. Espero su
ayuda, Favel
Hola Favel,
La lista a la que es
> > I bought a new machine with mother board DG965SS from Intel and DVD
> > GSA-4160 from LG. When I install the Debian, the CD-ROM is not found
> Closing this install report because there is no software error.
Isn't "not detecting the CD-ROM" a sofware error?
On 10/2/07, Geert Stappers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > I bought a new machine with mother board DG965SS from Intel and DVD
> > > > GSA-4160 from LG. When I install the Debian, the CD-ROM is not found
> > | | and is necessary to install the CD-ROM drive using the disquete
> > > Closing this i
Hi jecdiniz!
On 10/3/07, jecdiniz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> During instalation, I choice the portuguese language and the type of keyboard.
> Everyhing normal and when the I get the CD-ROM item, I got the problem.
> I able to boot the DVD but the problem occurs whem I try to install trought
Hola Miguel Figueiredo!
> I have done myself several installations on virtual machines and on a netbook
> with a modest performance and while using the current release the
> responsivness on the installation experience it's very acceptable.
> See Colin's comments on the improvements made on part
On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 7:49 PM, Michael Biebl wrote:
> Speaking as policykit maintainer, I have to say that I generally like
> the idea of such an "admin" group and thus would prefer 1.).
Speaking as a user and sysadmin, I also prefer the group approach.
But I dislike having to add yet anot
On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 6:42 AM, Josselin Mouette wrote:
> In squeeze, with consolekit installed, a lot of groups are made
> obsolete: audio, netdev, powerdev, plugdev, video (modulo a number of
> buggy packages remaining), probably bluetooth. In the end, floppy and
> cdrom could go away as well.
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