Re: Technically: What is the point to identity to country/province, anyway?

2004-04-07 Thread Andrew Lee
Debian and use language chooser instead will be much better for a long run. [ Taiwan Linux Users Group ] Andrew Lee (李健秋) Winkler Partners My [EMAIL PROTECTED]: +886 2 2311 2345cell: +886 96874

Fix and improve usability of keyboard layout and input methods for users under zh_TW locale

2023-09-17 Thread Andrew Lee
Dear debian-boot list, I am writing to request a fix for the usability problem that affects our users with zh_TW locale for the next point release. At this DebConf, users from Taiwan found that the default keyboard layout and input methods are not fully available for zh_TW locale. I collaborated

Bug#404567: Please remove ttf-arphic-bkai00mp and gcin from chinese-t-desktop task.

2007-03-05 Thread Andrew Lee
reopen #404567 thanks Dear folks, I did a fresh install and than I found we can make things a lot better for chinese-t-desktop users. Please remove following two packages from chinese-t-desktop: - ttf-arphic-bkai00mp We should use uming as default Chinese font for display, ttf-arphic-bkai00mp i

Bug#404567: Please remove ttf-arphic-bkai00mp and gcin from chinese-t-desktop task.

2007-03-06 Thread Andrew Lee
Per Olofsson wrote: > Shouldn't this package install a configuration file in /etc/fonts/conf.d > then, telling fontconfig to not choose this font for display purposes? I am not sure how fontconfig can do, it's still possible need for for display in specfic application, eg: Gimp, OpenOffice.Org...e

Bug#404567: Please remove ttf-arphic-bkai00mp and gcin from chinese-t-desktop task.

2007-03-06 Thread Andrew Lee
Joey Hess wrote: > What package is uming in? It's in ttf-arphic-uming package. We used to use ttf-arphic-bsmi00lp for Traditional Chinese characters, and use ttf-arphic-gbsn00lp for Simplified Chinese characters. The ttf-arphic-uming is a Chinese Unicode TrueType font, this package has merged tt

Bug#498330: tasksel: New desktop task for LXDE

2008-09-09 Thread Andrew Lee
Package: tasksel Version: 2.75 Severity: wishlist Dear tasksel maintainer, A friend as a DD on IRC pointed out that there should be a lxde-desktop task. So I created this for lxde-desktop task. Hopefully it can be included in lenny. Cheers, -Andrew -- System Information: Debian Release: lenny

Support lxde-desktop properly in lenny D-I RC2?

2008-11-13 Thread Andrew Lee
Dear debian-boot folks and tasksel maintainer, Thanks for the hard work on lenny D-I RC1. I just tested the lenny D-I RC1 with 'tasks=lxde-desktop'. After the installation it gives me a LXDE desktop out of box!! Wonderful!! :) Seems only in tasksel isn't enough to make it work properly with D-I,

Re: Support lxde-desktop properly in lenny D-I RC2?

2008-11-13 Thread Andrew Lee
Christian Perrier wrote: > Given that RC2 is supposed to be a "no additionnal feature" release, > I'd say that what you got is probably the most reasonable target to > have. Could we please make a exception? LXDE is a quite lightweight desktop environment that is designed with the netbooks in mind

Re: Support lxde-desktop properly in lenny D-I RC2?

2008-11-14 Thread Andrew Lee
Hi Frans, Frans Pop wrote: > the "lenny" invocation. Try 'desktop=lxde' instead (and read the correct > version of the installation guide in future ;-). Thank you for point out the correct option. I tested it works now. Thanks. :) > In D-I you could possibly add something like support for "sudo

Re: Support lxde-desktop properly in lenny D-I RC2?

2008-11-14 Thread Andrew Lee
Frans Pop wrote: > I've done a quick test build and space does not seem to be a real issue. > There is hardly any difference between what packages get included on the > CD if the lxde task is added [1]. Note that I did not yet try including > any lxde language tasks, but I seriously doubt there a

Re: Support lxde-desktop properly in lenny D-I RC2?

2008-11-14 Thread Andrew Lee
Frans Pop wrote: > On Friday 14 November 2008, you wrote: >> I think I'd be happier with a separate CD - many people are >> downloading the CD#1 variants just to get their preferred desktop and >> I'm guessing it's less likely to cause confusion if we keep each >> targeted at one desktop only. > >

Re: Bug#500119: [Pkg-utopia-maintainers] Bug#500119: Better way to avoid both knetworkmanager and nm-applet are started in parallel

2008-11-15 Thread Andrew Lee
Cc'ed this to debian-boot and debian-release. Dear RMs, This is only one line change in nm-applet.desktop which benefit other Window Managers and Desktops user. Please accept this change into Lenny. Michael Biebl wrote: > So the only change would be in nm-applet.desktop to NotShowIn=KDE. > I gue

Re: Multi-desktop CDs for lenny

2008-11-23 Thread Andrew Lee
Frans Pop wrote: > There are two images available for testing: > - lxde CD: > > - light desktop CD: > Wow! I am so glad to see this come true. :

Re: Bug#500119: [Pkg-utopia-maintainers] Bug#500119: Better way to avoid both knetworkmanager and nm-applet are started in parallel

2008-11-25 Thread Andrew Lee
Hello Otavio, Otavio Salvador wrote: > This is somewhat complicate to decide. I see two sides in this > question: > > 1) adding Network Manager for LXDE we'll give a more ready to use > desktop for laptop users and give some extra bonus for regular users; > > 2) LXDE seems to fit very well wi

network-manager for laptop users who install desktop task as well.

2008-11-25 Thread Andrew Lee
Dear folks, Otavio Salvador wrote: > This is somewhat complicate to decide. I see two sides in this > question: > > 1) adding Network Manager for LXDE we'll give a more ready to use > desktop for laptop users and give some extra bonus for regular users; > > 2) LXDE seems to fit very well with

Re: network-manager for laptop users who install desktop task as well.

2008-11-25 Thread Andrew Lee
Otavio Salvador wrote: > If we add it to laptop-desktop it will be installed in KDE too. What > is not what we want I guess. You are right, we shouldn't do it that way. I guess we may solve this problem by have an additional -laptop task for each current desktop tasks. eg: gnome-desktop-laptop, kd

Re: [RFC] Consequences for official CD/DVD images for Lenny

2008-12-29 Thread Andrew Lee
Hello folks, Frans Pop wrote: > I think we have the following options here: > 3) change m-a DVD to support all desktop environments; drop powerpc >(3rd column in 2nd table) > 4) something I have not investigated: drop source... > > My personal vote goes to option 3. For my personal opinion,

Bug#510300: installation-report: Missing installation of dbus-x11 package in xfce based install

2008-12-31 Thread Andrew Lee
Frans Pop wrote: > reassign 510300 tasksel 2.77 > thanks > Is the same maybe needed for the LXDE desktop? LXDE in lenny hasn't support trash can yet. So no need for LXDE desktop for now. Thanks, -Andrew -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of "unsub

Bug#393966: tasksel: language task doesn't install

2006-10-18 Thread Andrew Lee
Package: tasksel Version: 2.57 Severity: normal tasksel maintainers, I tested the daily-builds d-i(20061018) and found tasksel don't let me choose language tasks and also didn't install language task automaticly. I booted from sid_d-i 20061018, choose language zh_TW and then checked desktop envi

Bug#393966: tasksel: language task doesn't install

2006-10-25 Thread Andrew Lee
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Christian Perrier wrote: > If that bug is confirmed, it is definitely release critical. I did a fresh install with sid_d-i 20061022 netinst image, the language task still doesn't install. - -Andrew -BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE- Version: GnuPG v1.4.5

Bug#445592: tasksel: Please update Traditional Chinese desktop task

2007-10-07 Thread Andrew Lee
Package: tasksel Version: 2.68 Severity: wishlist After a discussion on We think the tasks for Traditional Chinese need following updates. For chinese-t: -zhcon Out of date, not good enough to support UTF-8 and Traditional Chinese -debian-zh

Bug#445592: tasksel: Please update Traditional Chinese desktop task

2007-10-07 Thread Andrew Lee
Joey Hess wrote: > Andrew Lee wrote: >> -kde-i18n-zhtw >> Why installs this kde message on GNOME desktop? > > Because these tasks are also used to localise the kde-desktop, until > someone splits them. Okay, keep it. >> +icedove-locale-zh-tw >> New pac

Bug#680668: Updating chinese-t-desktop in tasksel for Wheezy.

2012-07-07 Thread Andrew Lee
Dear debian-l10n-chinese and debian-chinese-big5 lists, Wheezy has been frozen and to be release soon. I would like to let all of you know that chinese-t-desktop in tasksel may be able to have an update for wheezy. Please feel free to give suggestions. The task-chinese-t-desktop currently looks l

Bug#680668: Updating chinese-t-desktop in tasksel for Wheezy.

2012-07-12 Thread Andrew Lee
Dear Yao, FourDollars and all Traditional Chinese users, 2012/7/11 Yao Wei (魏銘廷) : > Some recommendations on input method: > > SCIM somehow stopped their maintenance. (But seems their maintenance > started again by another people.) Thanks to confirm. The upstream is not dead. > Anyway, I would h

Bug#680668: Updating chinese-t-desktop in tasksel for Wheezy.

2012-07-14 Thread Andrew Lee
2012/7/14 Christian PERRIER : > ibus-chewing, I tested ibus-chewing on my computer. It doesn't have some features that I(Traditional user) expected. -- -Andrew -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmas..

Bug#680668: Updating chinese-t-desktop in tasksel for Wheezy.

2012-07-20 Thread Andrew Lee
Hi Fourdollars, 2012/7/15 Shih-Yuan Lee (FourDollars) : > Could you point out which features of ibus-chewing are not expected? > I would like to fix them. Here we are discussing is for wheezy which is in a freeze stage. So that all the new features are no related. Thank you for your efforts to g