Bug#714710: dpkg: when installed from live usb/cd /sbin/start-stop-daemon is empty shell script

2013-07-07 Thread Emanoil Kotsev
Hi thanks Edwin for reporting the details on your side. This is exactly what I have experienced in my case and spent about 4-5h looking for an issue with nfs and why it is not mounting remote dir, why portmap was not running etc. I did check the current 7.x installer debian-7.1.0-amd64-netinst.is

Debian installer build: failed or old builds

2013-07-07 Thread Daily build aggregator
Debian installer build overview --- Failed or old builds: * OLD BUILD:ia64 May 26 00:12 buildd@alkman build_cdrom http://d-i.debian.org/daily-images/ia64/daily/build_cdrom.log * OLD BUILD:ia64 May 26 00:16 buildd@alkman build_netboot