On Friday morning I successfully installed woody onto my new iBook.  In
the process a few bugs in the boot-floppies were found, but nothing that
couldn't be recovered from with Ethan Benson and Colin Walters at the
ready in IRC.  :)
I've written up a HOWTO that in part documents my experience, and in
part is meant to serve as a guide for anyone else wanting to an install
to an iBook.  With only a few changes these same instructions should
work just fine for most NewWorld machines, I'd think.


I'd appreciate any feedback you guys have.  Document feedback should go
to debian-powerpc; advice for the boot-floppies team should probably go
to debian-boot.

G. Branden Robinson                |    If you wish to strive for peace of
Debian GNU/Linux                   |    soul, then believe; if you wish to
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |    be a devotee of truth, then
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |    inquire.     -- Friedrich Nietzsche

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