Source: hw-detect
Followup-For: Bug #1030519
Hi Alexander,

I've been reviewing your patch and would like to suggest extracting the
following changes from it to consider and apply individually:

  1. Supporting firmware filenames that contain spaces.

  2. Removing (or at least reducing) the 5s wait[1] for USB devices to settle.

  3. Refactoring the fwfile 'for' loop[2] to use less-complicated parameter
     expansion (your changes didn't modify this but did highlight it
     potentially more complicated than necessary).

Each of these changes would require some description and a small patch -
writing those may require more time, I admit; the reward is that it makes it
easier for the maintainer to accept the changes.

During review, I considered these as possible other changes:

  * Loading the 'vfat' kernel module before mountpoint search.

  * Consulting the 'maybe-usb-floppy' mountmedia device as an origin.

However, it seems that mountmedia already handles these?

Thank you!

[1] -

[2] -

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