Hi Some times ago Colin Watson added supoprt for the the "PROGRESSCANCEL" capability to the NEWT frontend and this patch does the same to the GTK one by introducing threads. I tested it and it seems to work with every versions of GTKDFB i have (2.0.9, 2.8.10, 2.9): before commiting i would like it to be reviewed by someone expert in cdebconf. I also would like to know if the way the "DC_GOBACK" value is returned is correct: it gets asynchronously stored into obj->data->button_val and returned as soon as a progress_*() function is called. Note that this patch will also close #322381, as GTK events are now handled by a separate thread.
thanks Attilio Tiscali ADSL 4 Mega Flat Naviga senza limiti con l'unica Adsl a 4 Mega di velocità a soli 19,95 € al mese! Attivala subito e hai GRATIS 2 MESI e l'ATTIVAZIONE. http://abbonati.tiscali.it/banner/middlepagetracking.html?c=webmailadsl&r=http://abbonati.tiscali.it/adsl/sa/4flat_tc/&a=webmail&z=webmail&t=14
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