Re: [Patch] debian-installer: use of libd-i in ddetect
* thomas poindessous | Ok, this patch removes the use of utils.c and uses libd-i : mostly applied, changed d-i to libdebian-installer and made it a build dependency instead of mangling LDFLAGS and CFLAGS. -- Tollef Fog Heen,''`. UNIX is
[Patch] debian-installer: use of libd-i in ddetect
Ok, this patch removes the use of utils.c and uses libd-i : Index: Makefile === RCS file: /cvs/debian-boot/debian-installer/tools/ddetect/Makefile,v retrieving revision 1.9 diff -u -r1.9 Makefile --- Makefile2002/04/27 19:42:08