Bug#795538: debian-installer: 990FX boards cant install in UEFI mode

2015-08-15 Thread Richard Jasmin
Package: debian-installer Severity: important Tags: d-i patch This is simply a manufacturing defect on 990FX boards made by ASUS. I can confirm at least on the Crosshair V that ASUS refuses to fix the problem. UEFI is technically supported and windows 8+ uses it as these are 64-bit boards. HOWEVER

Bug#795537: debian-installer: USB devices dont work during install

2015-08-14 Thread Richard Jasmin
Package: debian-installer Severity: important Tags: upstream My USB devices (keyboard/mouse) dont work at all during installation of stretch.PS/2 keyboard works and I am limited to that due to one port.These devices work post install and during post/BIOS interactions. Im on a Crosshair V but that

Bug#782798: installation-reports: jessie doesnt use a repo by default with BDROM ISO dated 2015 04 13-06:57

2015-04-17 Thread richard jasmin
Package: installation-reports Severity: important Dear Maintainer, The debian install BDROM ISO of Jigdo testing labeled: 2015 04 13-06:57 from http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/weekly-builds/amd64/jigdo-bd/ selects no repository by default, leaving a misconfigured /etc/apt/sources.list file. A