Message not delivered! neo-lula, sugestão coletiva e cubanização

2002-10-01 Thread IT Security
A message you sent to a recipient at Aventail Corporation was rejected due to header filtering. Because the message did not contain a local Aventail recipient on the To: or CC: lines, Aventail's mail server is rejecting it as possible spam. Please re-send your message by adding the recipient to

Message not delivered! arzobispo católico denuncia que vuelven persecuciones de era comunista

2002-09-23 Thread IT Security
A message you sent to a recipient at Aventail Corporation was rejected due to header filtering. Because the message did not contain a local Aventail recipient on the To: or CC: lines, Aventail's mail server is rejecting it as possible spam. Please re-send your message by adding the recipient to

Message not delivered! prove suas acusações, ou retrate-se

2002-09-05 Thread IT Security
A message you sent to a recipient at Aventail Corporation was rejected due to header filtering. Because the message did not contain a local Aventail recipient on the To: or CC: lines, Aventail's mail server is rejecting it as possible spam. Please re-send your message by adding the recipient to