Installable ARMv8 cross-toolchain

2012-10-25 Thread Wookey
After a fair amount of dicking about I have managed to build a cross-toolchain for arm64/aarch64 which installs on Ubuntu Quantal. It even builds packages, although it has at least one notable limitation, and I have no idea if it produces working code yet :-) The main limitation is that the defaul

Re: How about SAN with ARM?

2012-10-25 Thread luke.leighton
On 10/25/12, Muun Dahweed wrote: > Hi again and thanks for writing. > I got pretty busy and procrastinated to reply. > Please forgive me. eyy, nothing to forgive sah: this is the internet, you're allowed to do whatever you feel! >> the nice thing about this is that web server farms already re