openal buildd -> ftp.d.o problem?

2003-04-15 Thread Michael Furr
Greetings ftp-master, After trying to track down why one of my packages wasn't getting rebuilt by the autobuilders, I realized that the openal binary packages have not moved into the main distribution for arm and sparc, even after they were successfully autobuilt about a week ago. I certainly don


2003-04-15 Thread 王亚
debian-arm:您好! 音频干扰,录音噪声,诚信圣通 普通的监听器在传输距离超出100米后就会有很大的噪声,在应用于硬盘录象机时,录音噪声使得业主无法接收。 诚信圣通开发的监听器采用特殊的电路,可以消除音频干扰,传输距离可达300米以上。 应用领域:与硬盘录象机配套使用,广泛应用于安防、高速公路收费站等。 相关热门产品:地线回路平衡器-消除视频干扰 诚信圣通公司网站: 联系电话:010-66027364、010-66026820 传  真:010-66025560 销售经理:王 亚 电话:010-6602736