This is very likely related to fixed bug 591286.
I almost merged it. However, the report is about a missing dependency.
2.2.29 can only be testing or newer. And nowodays, testing depends on libapr1
Since 591286 was fixed on libapr1 1.4.2-4 I suggest we force Depends: libapr1
>= 1.4.2-4
Your message dated Sun, 19 Feb 2012 23:27:24 +
with message-id <>
and subject line Re: php getimagesize is returning zero
has caused the Debian Bug report #645874,
regarding php getimagesize is returning zero
to be marked as done.
This means that you claim
Processing commands for
> tags 208831 + unreproducible + moreinfo
Bug #208831 [apache2] apache2 - mod_action forgets authenticated user
Added tag(s) unreproducible.
Bug #208831 [apache2] apache2 - mod_action forgets authenticated user
Added tag(s) moreinfo.
> thanks
tags 208831 + unreproducible + moreinfo
Hello Bastian
I tried to reproduce that 9 year old bug, but could not.
My settings:
AddType nirgal/test .nirgal
Action nirgal/test /cgi-bin/echo
AuthType Basic
AuthName "By Invitation Only"
Processing commands for
> tags 629899 + moreinfo
Bug #629899 [apache2.2-common] ap_get_local_host is broken (can't always
determine the server's FQDN)
Added tag(s) moreinfo.
> thanks
Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance.
629899: http://b
tags 629899 + moreinfo
On Sunday 19 February 2012 11:22:42 Vincent Lefevre wrote:
>> Does the bug is still there if you set up a static ip address in
>> /etc/network/interfaces for your eth0 interface?
> I haven't tried. In any case, there's no reason to use eth0 (some
> machines do not ev
On Sunday 05 February 2012, Jean-Michel Vourgère wrote:
> While I agree there is a problem with missing log directory
> repporting - see
> - I don't
> think creating this directory automatically would be wise.
> For exemple, if your direct
Processing commands for
> reassign 550840 libc6
Bug #550840 [apache2-mpm-prefork] apache2-mpm-prefork: reload does not work:
childs hangs on FUTEX_WAIT_PRIVATE
Bug reassigned from package 'apache2-mpm-prefork' to 'libc6'.
Bug No longer marked as found in versions apache2
Processing commands for
> tags 402567 + pending
Bug #402567 [apache2] apache2: BRF files support
Added tag(s) pending.
> thanks
Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian B
Processing commands for
> tags 465283 + pending
Bug #465283 [apache2] apache2: ProxySourceAddress directive to select source
address of outgoing connections from mod_proxy
Added tag(s) pending.
> tags 307298 + pending
Bug #307298 [apache2.2-common] apache2-common: mod_pro
Your message dated Sun, 19 Feb 2012 19:10:39 +0100
with message-id <>
and subject line RemoveHandler and RemoveType does not work
has caused the Debian Bug report #579609,
regarding RemoveHandler and RemoveType does not work (libapache2-mod-php5
disable problem)
Processing commands for
> tags 601606 + pending
Bug #601606 [apache2.2-common] apache2: Renegotiation on POST request fails
Added tag(s) pending.
> thanks
Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance.
601606: http://bugs.debian.or
Your message dated Sun, 19 Feb 2012 18:54:14 +0100
with message-id <>
and subject line mod_authn_default and mod_authz_default will be removed
has caused the Debian Bug report #605149,
regarding apache2.2-common: mod_authn_default should be enabled by default
to be
Processing commands for
> forwarded 500558
Bug #500558 [libapr1] libapr1: can't bind to without IPv4 address
Set Bug forwarded-to-address to
Processing commands for
> clone 500558 -1
Bug#500558: getaddrinfo("", AI_ADDRCONFIG) fails when eth0 has ipv6
Bug 500558 cloned as bug 660479.
> reassign -1 manpages-dev
Bug #660479 [eglibc] getaddrinfo("", AI_ADDRCONFIG) fails when eth0
has ipv6
On 2012-02-19 01:12:17 +, Jean-Michel Vourgère wrote:
> I recently found some strange behavior in dns resolution at boot time, when
> eth0 has no ipv4 yet. (#500558)
> Do you use DHCP for your other interface (eth0)?
> What is the result of `grep CONCURRENCY /etc/init.d/rc' ?
16 matches
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