Re: [orca-list] Jos Lemmens passed away on November 9, 2021

2022-02-10 Thread Milton
Great Samuel to know about continuing the good work! During the past I was happy to find those in the repository. Milton Op 10-02-2022 om 14:19 schreef Samuel Thibault: Hello, Los was the developer of eBook-speaker and daisy-player. For information, we have set up

Re: [orca-list] Jos Lemmens passed away on November 9, 2021

2022-01-07 Thread Janina Sajka
Very sad to hear of his passing, Didier. I knew him through W3C work. He was indeed a capable technologist and a most gentle soul. His passing is indeed a loss. Best, Janina Orca screen reader developers writes: > Hi, > > I have been sad to learn that we lost Jos from his web page: > http://jle

Re: [orca-list] Jos Lemmens passed away on November 9, 2021

2022-01-06 Thread Milton
Very sad to hear. I use 2 applications with pleassure: daisy player and ebook-speaker. Op 07-01-2022 om 07:07 schreef Sébastien Hinderer: Thanks a lot Didier for having shared the very sed news. I feel that our community of persons involved in accessibility for free software is so small that e

Re: [orca-list] Jos Lemmens passed away on November 9, 2021

2022-01-06 Thread Sébastien Hinderer
Thanks a lot Didier for having shared the very sed news. I feel that our community of persons involved in accessibility for free software is so small that every member of this community is of crucial important, and that every loss is thus sad, painful and difficult to accept, a bit like in a harmo