Bug#410771: Re: Bug#410771: emacs-snapshot: error "Lisp nesting exceeds `max-lisp-eval-depth'"

2013-08-12 Thread Tim Cross
Hi Paul, I am no longer using the packaged versions, preferring to build myself from source. Due to changes in my working environment, the hosts where I was experiencing that issue no longer exist (they were True64 based systems), so cannot confirm the issue. I suspect you can just close this bug

google voice from the command line works like a dream

2013-08-12 Thread Doug Smith
I have some good news that might interest some of you on here. Recently, I have been trying to get as much functionality back into a cli system as possible. The ultimate objective of this is to make it not necessary to use a gui on a Linux system at all. If I get it all working I will be glat