Accessibility and handicap topic of LSM 2010

2010-02-13 Thread Samuel Thibault
The Libre Software Meeting (LSM or RMLL in French for Rencontres Mondiales du Logiciel Libre) is conferences cycle about Free Softawre. LSM is an annual event born in 2000 and since 2003, it occurs in a different town each year. LSM are free as in beer and as a speech :-) No fees, no places limit.

Possible problems in your Debian packages

2010-02-13 Thread DDPOMail robot
=== brltty: = 2 Release Critical or Release Goal bug(s): - #454708 brltty -- Doesn't purge all files after piuparts Install+Upgrade+Purge test Part of release goal: piuparts-clean archive - #560072 FTBFS: java-gcj-compat-dev can'