Re: Follow-up on the m68k meeting

2015-01-10 Thread Stefan Niestegge
Thanks for the info! Will contact max hotel then. I think to come friday. I drive an electric car that has no fast charging feature, so i need some hours to get there. I'll stay until late saturday night. Looking forward! Stefan Am 10.01.2015 um 13:39 schrieb Thorsten Glaser: Stefan Niestegge

Re: Follow-up on the m68k meeting

2015-01-10 Thread Thorsten Glaser
Stefan Niestegge dixit: > after i just checked my work calendar i'd like to attend. Wonderful! > I would like to bring my Falcon 060 with me. > Some diversity in old hardware won't hurt, does it? Sure! Most definitely welcome! > Is there some space left? What about sleeping, is "partysleeping"

meeting planning

2015-01-10 Thread Thorsten Glaser
Hi everyone, I hope more people will come than have voted in the Doodle ;-) /me thinks of Geert, Andreas, Michael, Christian, … Anyway: I’d like to know if anyone will be arriving on Friday already, just for some small amount of planning. I’m not an experienced “party” host, so, head-ups welcome,

Re: Follow-up on the m68k meeting

2015-01-10 Thread Stefan Niestegge
Am 07.01.2015 um 23:25 schrieb Thorsten Glaser: ALeX Kazik dixit: if the meeting is still on the list, I'd like to visit. Sure. 17.01.-18.01. it is. Friday evening “warm-up” optional, for those who want to arrive early. bye, //mirabilos Hi there, after i just checked my work calendar i'd l