Запрос от Врача

2004-03-19 Thread Врач Калерия
Эффективная борьба с болями. Мучительные головные боли, боль в спине, онемение рук, тяжесть в ногах – это симптомы больного позвоночника. Центр мануальной терапии на Цветном бульваре, окажет Вам высококвалифицированную помощь. Почетные члены Московской ассоциации ма

Re: Message with no Package: tag cannot be processed! (read it immediately)

2004-03-19 Thread John Klos
> Received: (at maintonly) by bugs.debian.org; 19 Mar 2004 07:24:22 + > >From debian-68k@lists.debian.org Thu Mar 18 23:24:22 2004 > Return-path: > Received: from (bugs.debian.org) [] > by spohr.debian.org with smtp (Exim 3.35 1 (Debian)) > id 1B4EMf-0002SC-00; Thu, 18

Message with no Package: tag cannot be processed! (read it immediately)

2004-03-19 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Your message didn't have a Package: line at the start (in the pseudo-header following the real mail header), or didn't have a pseudo-header at all. This makes it much harder for us to categorise and deal with your problem report. Please _resubmit_ your report to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and tell us which