Andrew Lee writes:
> We will looks very bad as we occupied 600 beds for free but only use half
> of them.
> I have been told. There are also other event running in NCTU and requests
> beds but couldn't get.
> I'd suggest we have an extension for bursaries on accommodations at least.
> not for t
shirish शिरीष writes:
> at bottom :-
> Hi,
> Correct me if I'm wrong. AFAIK Open Day is the same day where also the
> day trips are also happening.
That is incorrect. You can find the correct dates at
Gunnar Wolf writes:
> I will add a data point to this: For DC17 (and partly thanks to the
> generosity of one of our sponsors, that happened to be the employer of
> one of our invited speakers), we only used half of the invited
> speakers budget.
> For DC18, we didn't use at all the invited spe
Jonathan Carter writes:
> Hash: SHA512
> Dear DebConf Team
> Bursary applications for DebConf19 closes on 2019-04-15.
> We aim to have the final decisions posted on 2019-04-30.
> There are two areas where we need help, we already have some
> volunteers