Continuing the process improvements sub-thread from the "DPL blindsides"
thread [0] on debian-vote.
> > - The DebConf Committee did not know
> > - The DPL did not know
> These I think were a lot more problematic. The
On 20-04-20 02 h 10, Daniel Lange wrote:
> Hi Louis-Philippe,
> Am 20.04.20 um 08:04 schrieb Louis-Philippe Véronneau:
>> Could someone with super cow powers archive this repository on Salsa?
>> It seems I don't have sufficient permi
Hi Louis-Philippe,
Am 21.04.20 um 06:51 schrieb Louis-Philippe Véronneau:
Just to be clear, I'm not asking for the repository to be moved in an
"archived" dir, just for someone to press the "Archive project" button
to make it read-only.
It would end up in