Re: DebConf21 to be held online

2021-04-03 Thread Daniel Lenharo de Souza
Hi! Em 03/04/2021 10:25, Antonio Terceiro escreveu: We need a team to make DebConf21 happen... Among other things, we need volunteers for: - Design: Logo, website, shirts. - Content Team: Selecting & scheduling events, coordinating with speakers. - Sponsors Team: Contacting potential sponso

Re: DebConf21 to be held online

2021-04-03 Thread lkcl
On Saturday, April 3, 2021, Antonio Terceiro wrote: We need a team to make DebConf21 happen. We built some basic > infrastructure for online DebConfs last year, but surely we can do more > this year. If you want to make DebConf special, or just want to help > make it happen, please volunteer and