Re: debconf timezone overlap for 3 continents

2021-04-13 Thread Nicolas Dandrimont
eers with access to fix infra if something goes wrong, which can restrict the options further (but we seem to have fairly okay global coverage). Cheers, -- Nicolas Dandrimont

[not-VAC] Burning out, reassessing Debian priorities

2019-02-26 Thread Nicolas Dandrimont
tand, and if anything, I hope this helps you realize burn out is happening to you before it's too late. There's a good chance the world will keep on spinning. Lots of <3, -- Nicolas Dandrimont BOFH excuse #323: Your processor has processed too many instructions. Turn it off immediately, do not type any commands!! signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Re: Join in the DC19 bursaries team

2018-10-08 Thread Nicolas Dandrimont
ed out, things won't happen immediately but we'll be sure to give you all the access you need before they do! The next step for the team will be to review the registration form, in collaboration with the registration team, so that we can make sure it's useful to our work. As we want

Re: Join in the DC19 bursaries team

2018-08-31 Thread Nicolas Dandrimont
nt to look the scripts over and ensure the bursary admins are trustworthy. - administrators get access to all data for all applicants, and get write access to everything (which, specifically, lets them enter late applications as well as enter the results of the aforementioned scripts) I hope this is

Re: [DebConf19] Budget Approval Request [2018-08]

2018-08-22 Thread Nicolas Dandrimont
both, but can have > accommodation, and pay for own flight ticket. I have no idea how many cases > like that we can have next year. Yeah, we do that for people who tell us they /could/ come even if their travel bursary isn't granted. That's usually around 10-15% of the accommodation bur

Re: [DebConf19] Budget Approval Request [2018-08]

2018-08-21 Thread Nicolas Dandrimont
range payment. You'll want to figure this out before binding DebConf into renting that many rooms. [snipped technicalities about hotel bookings, we've done this before] Cheers, -- Nicolas Dandrimont BOFH excuse #77: Typo in the code signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Re: Fwd: Abstract for Franklin Weng talk

2018-07-23 Thread Nicolas Dandrimont Please make sure I didn't mess it up :-) Cheers, -- Nicolas Dandrimont BOFH excuse #421: Domain controller not responding signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Re: [DebConf18] Budget Approval Request [2018-06]

2018-06-15 Thread Nicolas Dandrimont
or a quick turnaround, which is > primarily why I ask... I'd be more concerned about flight prices increasing than anything else at this point. Thanks, -- Nicolas Dandrimont BOFH excuse #231: We had to turn off that service to comply with the CDA Bill. signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Re: Registration deadline extension - someone objects?

2018-04-18 Thread Nicolas Dandrimont
o a team decision on this matter, but I would strongly advise against a generic extension: more applicants means more applications to read through means more delay for ranking means later decisions means higher flight prices means tighter budget means in the end, fewer people are able to come.

dc18.d.o website ready for registration, please test!

2018-02-25 Thread Nicolas Dandrimont
registration is open with the publicity team. Cheers, -- Nicolas Dandrimont BOFH excuse #293: You must've hit the wrong any key. signature.asc Description: PGP signature