Re: DebConf21 to be held online

2021-04-03 Thread Daniel Lenharo de Souza
for making it happen! -- Daniel Lenharo de Souza Debian Brasil FB0E132DDB0AA5B1 OpenPGP_0xFB0E132DDB0AA5B1.asc Description: OpenPGP public key OpenPGP_signature Description: OpenPGP digital signature

DC19 Staff t-shirts

2019-07-04 Thread Daniel Lenharo de Souza
Highvoltage Jefferson Kanashiro Larjona Daniel Lenharo Leonardo Nattie Paulo Henrique Rhonda Samuel Sergio Steve McIntryre Terceiro Tumblewwed Valessio Brenda Ianes Thanks -- Daniel Lenharo de Souza DebConf19 - Curitiba-BR GPG: 31D8 0509 460E FB31 DF4B 9629 FB0E

Re: DC19 t-shirt layout

2019-07-01 Thread Daniel Lenharo de Souza
Hi, We made some changes[1] to see what layout is better. - Front: We put logo in vertical - Color: we test light colors. SVG is available in the issue[2] Em 01-07-2019 10:11, Daniel Lenharo de Souza escreveu: Hello!! I will order DebConf t-shirts tomorrow, and i would like to show the

DC19 t-shirt layout

2019-07-01 Thread Daniel Lenharo de Souza
/camisetas.png Best Regards -- Daniel Lenharo de Souza DebConf19 - Curitiba-BR GPG: 31D8 0509 460E FB31 DF4B 9629 FB0E 132D DB0A A5B1

Re: Diversity and Welcoming newcommers: T-Shirts? :)

2019-06-28 Thread Daniel Lenharo de Souza
ul shirt design. :) Could you (or someone) do a draft how you want this t-shirt? Best Regards -- Daniel Lenharo de Souza DebConf19 - Curitiba-BR GPG: 31D8 0509 460E FB31 DF4B 9629 FB0E 132D DB0A A5B1

Re: Asking for busary

2019-05-22 Thread Daniel Lenharo de Souza
r you will do that? or you transfer me money and then I can buy the tickes(?) The process is: - you grant bursaries - buy tickets - you attend debconf - request reimbursement. If you have some especial request, let us know. -- Daniel Lenharo de Souza DebConf19 - Curitiba-BR http://www.lenharo.e

Re: DebConf19 - Meeting with Grupo Dignidade

2019-04-02 Thread Daniel Lenharo de Souza
thought that #7 and #3 will be essential. #2 and #5 i see that could help a lot. Cheers -- Daniel Lenharo de Souza DebConf19 - Curitiba-BR GPG: 31D8 0509 460E FB31 DF4B 9629 FB0E 132D DB0A A5B1

Re: Call for volunteers: DebConf 19 content team

2019-03-12 Thread Daniel Lenharo de Souza
onf, and accept/reject them for presentation at DebConf - publish accepted talks - During DebConf itself, coordinate the scheduling of ad-hoc/self-organized activities. As I'll be helping open day - which will be a content track, please include me on the content team. Regards -- Da

Re: Report from DC19 local team sprint at Campus Party

2019-02-26 Thread Daniel Lenharo de Souza
Hi, Em 26-02-2019 03:47, Daniel Lange escreveu: Hi Daniel, thank you very much for the report. Can you please remove the sponsor names from both the English and the Portuguese wiki pages? Done. Best Regards! -- Daniel Lenharo de Souza DebConf19 - Curitiba-BR GPG

Re: Please review and translate blog post (and announcement) about DebConf18 closing

2018-08-04 Thread Daniel Lenharo de Souza
ome. Best regards Best regards!!! -- Daniel Lenharo de Souza SysAdmin GPG: 31D8 0509 460E FB31 DF4B 9629 FB0E 132D DB0A A5B1Title: DebConf18 encerra em Hsinchu e as datas da DebConf19 são anunciadas Date: 2018-08-05 21:00 Tags: debconf18, announce, debconf19, debconf Slug:

Re: eVisa for DebConf18

2018-01-29 Thread Daniel Lenharo de Souza
the 10-20 total attendees figure... But I particularly > expect more Brazilians than usual to attend! > []'s -- Daniel Lenharo de Souza GPG: 31D8 0509 460E FB31 DF4B 9629 FB0E 132D DB0A A5B1 signature.asc Description: OpenPGP digital signature