> 如要在網路上查看這項討論,請造訪
> https://groups.google.com/a/ocf.tw/d/msgid/pay/20180927154954.GA28985%40gmail.com。
Pofeng "informer" Lee, 李柏鋒, pofeng at gmail dot com
> Hi HuangFu, Pofeng,
> Update: Remove description on the right side
> Contract URL:
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gK6cnPCaq0DojF5JCKNvCORXBDFnoUwQF4Gpaf7dxqc/edit?usp=sharing
> May I inform the sitters to sign the contract and send it back as a PDF?
> Thanks
;>>> I'm responsible for childcare part in DebConf
>>>> Recently, we've found proper sitters for childcare.
>>>> I've read the "reimburse process for temporary workers" mail from OCF.
>>>> mail thread: [DebConf18] 僱用臨時工給予薪資的流程
>>>> Besides to sign the receipt, I would like to have a contract with them.
>>>> Can OCF help to sign and review the contract?
>>>> Contract URL:
>>>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gK6cnPCaq0DojF5JCKNvCORXBDFnoUwQF4Gpaf7dxqc/edit?usp=sharing
>>>> If it is ok, I will contact sitters to sign the contract and sent it to
>>>> OCF.
>>>> Thanks
Pofeng "informer" Lee, 李柏鋒, pofeng at gmail dot com