Re: Debconf Saint-Petersburg

2019-08-03 Thread Юрий Андреев
Dear colleagues, Anyway, independently of any conferences, we would like to increase common trust and cooperation. We have monthly meetups based on Saint-Petersburg Linux User Group ( Maybe somebody from the Debian community would be interested to visit us and give a talk(optio

Re: "Retiring" from DebConf

2019-08-03 Thread Holger Levsen
Hey Pollo, On Sat, Aug 03, 2019 at 12:39:05AM -0400, Louis-Philippe Véronneau wrote: > I had been waiting for DebConf19's end to send this email. For lack of > a better word, I'm "retiring" from all my DebConf involvement. how about "taking a break"? ;) > I hadn't been doing a lot of orga stuff

Re: "Retiring" from DebConf

2019-08-03 Thread Pedro
Thanks Louis-Philippe, thanks to you I know about this. As a potentially person interested in participate in debian project (but user since ~8 years) for me this is a very dramatic situation. A project that is proud of inclusion and diversity. What kind of diversity we can expect giving chance to