Re: Debconf19 hotel contract

2018-09-28 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi Antonio, Paulo, ... On Fri, Sep 28, 2018 at 01:57:53PM -0300, Antonio Terceiro wrote: > After some back and forth with the hotel (thanks to Paulo!), we have a hotel > contract that we are comfortable with. thanks for the summary and your work, the contract seems pretty nice and reasonable to

Debconf19 hotel contract

2018-09-28 Thread Antonio Terceiro
Hello, After some back and forth with the hotel (thanks to Paulo!), we have a hotel contract that we are comfortable with. A few points: 1. The contract will be signed in Portuguese by me as president of the association we created, called ICTL - Instituto para Conservação de Tecnologias Li

Debconf19 team meetings - poll for meeting times

2018-09-28 Thread Antonio Terceiro
Hello, If you are interested and able to attend the Debconf19 team meetings, please vote in the following poll: I am targetting the week after next week for this first one, and the following ones will be at similar times so please pick times that not only w