RE: 請提供會議紀念品照片

2018-08-14 Thread 鄧雅芸
昌倬您好: 因文宣品為贈送給與會人員,因此主計室要求補上與會人員名單,這部分要請您提供。 目前核銷項目尚缺資料如下: 1、文宣品:與會人員名單 2、住宿費:住宿人員住宿期間 3、餐費:與會人員名單 其中文宣品部分需在會議結束後一個月內向經濟部國貿局辦理核銷、住宿費則是三個月內向科技部辦理結報, 因此麻煩您注意相關時程及提供資料,謝謝。 鄧雅芸 YaYun Deng - 國立交通大學資訊工程學系 新竹市大學路1001號工程三館343室 Tel: 03-5712121 ext.56612 Fax: 03-5

Re: Bootstrapping DC19 accounting

2018-08-14 Thread Louis-Philippe Véronneau
On 2018-08-14 08:53, Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana wrote: > > - Louis-Philippe Véronneau escreveu: >> Hi! >> >> I've done a bunch of work to bootstrap the DC19 accounting. I tried to >> bring it back closer to what was done for dc15-dc17 but incorporate good >> ideas from dc18. >> >> I am no

Re: Bootstrapping DC19 accounting

2018-08-14 Thread Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana
- Louis-Philippe Véronneau escreveu: > Hi! > > I've done a bunch of work to bootstrap the DC19 accounting. I tried to > bring it back closer to what was done for dc15-dc17 but incorporate good > ideas from dc18. > > I am not a ledger-cli wizard nor a professional accountant, so if you > ha