Oops, sorry, the mail below was intended as an out-of-band email to
Chris and the DebConf committee, and ENOTENOUGHCOFFEE hit again :-(
Well, at least that's full transparency :-), so let me rephrase and ask
the questions directly:
1/ regarding the fundraising amounts listed in the budget: are th
I think that the budget now looks sane.
It should still be clarified whether:
- the fundraising amounts are those that are already committed (but I
think they are)
- they have plans to cover the USD 16569.5 deficit, or if Debian will
have to cover this for sure. But even if Debian has to
I made another mistake by using expense digits to estimate food and
accommodation income.
This fixes the digits by using the fee we charge from attendees.
On Tue, Apr 17, 2018 at 12:29:16PM +0800, Yao Wei wrote:
> * Re-decrease the estimations of total attendees to 400 people
> * Use another s
On Mon, Apr 16, 2018 at 04:05:20PM +0100, Chris Lamb wrote:
> Ping on this?
> I would not like to reach a point where I need to be concerned that
> requests for clarification are unanswered, particularly when they
> originate from the person who needs approves the budget.
> (After some consid
On Tue, Apr 17, 2018 at 12:34:08AM +0800, Chien-Chao Tseng wrote:
> ChangZhuo Chen (陳昌倬) 於 2018年4月16日 上午9:14 寫道:
> > * 目前還有可以容納 20 人左右的教室可以借嗎?我們有可能還需要 2~3 間。
> >
> 電資大樓已沒有
> 如果方便
> 可借工三教室
> > * 與會者可以使用電資大樓以及宿舍的無線網路嗎?
> >
> 應該可以
> 電資有guest帳號
> 宿舍要請校計中安排
> 我請
It's not at all obvious that there is a logo missing. As far as sponsors
go, the real thing that will matter is that you all get the committed
sponsors logos up on the DebConf18 website in a timely fashion, and deliver
all the benefits they are promised in the sponsorship brochure.. [1]
Please just pick one from https://www.google.com/search?q=debconf+logo&tbm=isch
Our sponsors are looking at it.
Am 17.04.2018 um 00:25 schrieb shirish शिरीष:
> @Hector - the list you shared of trusted organisations seems to be a
> pretty small list, I do remembering reading somewhere a longish list
> but maybe that's old and the last list was correct. Could you or
> somebody else reconfirm. If it's just 5 n
At bottom :-
On 17/04/2018, gregor herrmann wrote:
> On Mon, 16 Apr 2018 22:30:32 +0530, shirish शिरीष wrote:
>> The first things I realized that there doesn't seem to be any pages for
>> organising Minidebconfs and Debian sprints.
> Sprints are documented at https://wiki.debian.org/Sprints/
On Monday, 16 April 2018 05:30:02 CEST 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson wrote:
> https://wiki.debconf.org/ 's $wgLogo is broken,
> causing a big hole in the upper left.
That's quite deliberate as DebConf doesn't - to my knowledge - have an all-
encompassing logo. I've unsuccessfully tried to remove the blank spa
On Mon, 16 Apr 2018 22:30:32 +0530, shirish शिरीष wrote:
> The first things I realized that there doesn't seem to be any pages for
> organising Minidebconfs and Debian sprints.
Sprints are documented at https://wiki.debian.org/Sprints/
(and they are not related to DebConf, except that DebCamp is
Dear all,
Have started documenting the Initial pages at
and '
The first things I realized that there doesn't seem to be any pages for
organising Minidebconfs and Debian sprints.
I did find an o
ChangZhuo Chen (陳昌倬) 於 2018年4月16日 上午9:14 寫道:
> Hi Professional Tseng,
> 我們有以下場地/網路/宿舍相關問題想要確認一下:
> * 目前還有可以容納 20 人左右的教室可以借嗎?我們有可能還需要 2~3 間。
> * 與會者可以使用電資大樓以及宿舍的無線網路嗎?
> * 2/27 的預算表上宿舍備註有 "含睡袋租用及冷氣卡",這部份我們需要確認是
[please retain leader@ in any CCs...]
Chris Lamb wrote:
> > The reason restoring to 600 people was that we are trying to find people
> > interested in contributing to Debian
> I'm probably missing something here but is that not the wrong way
> around? ie. find these people first and then incre
Reply in-line :-
On 16/04/2018, Hector Oron wrote:
> [Adjust mailing list to debconf-team]
> Hello,
Dear Hector/Zumbi,
Thank you for sharing your observations.
>> Well, invoices are generated depending on trusted organization invoice
>> format. Usually SPI is used for most of the ca
15 matches
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