Looks like I forgot to send this mail... So yeah, this is a late
reminder for the July 3rd meeting, starting at 14 UTC.
See you then!
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Debconf-team mailing list
* Brian Gupta [2017-06-29 21:18:44 -0400]:
> What exactly do you need setup? As a member of auditor team, (and the
> person who initial setup the Paypal account) I have access to the SPI
> Debian Paypal account. Currently the account has a single set of login
> credentials, but we can issue
You can find last meeting's summary on the wiki [1] and at the
end of this mail.
The next meeting will be on *Monday July 10th, starting at 14:00 UTC*.
Here's the proposed agenda: http://deb.li/il9wc. Feel free to modify it
as you wish.
[1] https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf17/Meeting