Dear all,
Interest in the dudle has not been very high but the dates in it are
Are any more votes forthcoming?
Either way, how do we break the tie between the various options?
Sent by mobile; excuse my brevity.
Debconf-team m
On Freitag, 7. Februar 2014, Richard Hartmann wrote:
> Interest in the dudle has not been very high but the dates in it are
> approaching.
> Are any more votes forthcoming?
Well, if there is no update on the Belgian/Mechelen bid... Wouter, any update?
(+if so, please vote.)
> Either way
also sprach Holger Levsen [2014-02-07 14:54 +0100]:
> Someone decides, usually the person calling for the meeting. If
> Martin doesnt want to decide, I'm happy to do so. (But need to be
> told to do so :)
Martin is involved in a bid so he'd prefer if a neutral person did…
.''`. martin f.
On Thu Feb 06, 2014 at 16:35:38 +0100, Martin Zobel-Helas wrote:
> Hiho,
> we have a set of permanent sponsors for DebConf, that do offer internet
> hosting and bandwidth to DebConf. They are currently not listed at
>, while they are listed at
> htt
Subject: DebConf14 organizing team needs your help to raise funds!
(Won't take long.)
We are well into the planning for DebConf14 which will take place in
Portland, Oregon, USA during the 23rd-31st of August, 2014.
It looks like it is again going to be a great event and hope that