thank you for informing us. Now that you scared the bejesus out of me, I
think I'll just keep with the local team business.
As for the rest of ToDo list, once again, anyone willing to help is most
welcome. http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf11/ToDo
Best regards
On 12/29/2010 10:45 AM
On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 10:20 AM, Vedran Omeragic
> Global Team
> While we are very enthusiastic about all this, it's also important to know
> that most of us are new to the concept of hosting a huge conference.
> Therefore, your guidance and help is very appreciate. We made mistakes
> bef
as we're pretty much out of 'planning phase', with most mayor dates
decided, we need to begin with serious preparations. There are still
several mayor unresolved issues, which I personally think should be
dealt with by the end of December and January so we can have a sound
structure for th