Holger Levsen dijo [Mon, Apr 17, 2006 at 02:30:05PM +0200]:
> > 2- Leo Utskot, a Norwegian living in Mexico, of copyleft.com.mx,
> >offers to lend another project for the full two weeks, as well as
> another project_or_?
Yes, projector :)
> >miscellaneous office stuff (I have the full
On Thursday 13 April 2006 02:02, Gunnar Wolf wrote:
> I have been quite busy in this front lately. I'm sending this mail
> mainly so I don't forget about any of them. This is the result of a
> couple of days, not only one, but still - a productive week.
> 1- k001operator (Ivan Alfredo Zenten
I have been quite busy in this front lately. I'm sending this mail
mainly so I don't forget about any of them. This is the result of a
couple of days, not only one, but still - a productive week.
1- k001operator (Ivan Alfredo Zenteno) - He offers to lend a video
projector starting May 9.