also sprach Giacomo Catenazzi [2015-09-23 23:03 +0200]:
> And I find disturbing that you don’t listen DPL, that you still
> think that conference dinner is far more important than Debian
> Developers. So important, although you got the budget (so was it
> a veto? or just ugly representation, which
> On 23 Sep 2015, at 21:51, martin f krafft wrote:
>>> The other (more exceptional) power that the chairs have to
>>> interfere with day-to-day affairs is also problematic:
>>> overriding decisions
>>> While this is only used rarely,
>> Actually, the value of that power is that it exists
also sprach Lucas Nussbaum [2015-09-23 17:59 +0200]:
> They are responsible for the organization of DebConf, which means
> that they should feel that it's their fault when something
> important fails. This is different from being *in charge*
Herein lies part of the problem: don't try to separate
I think that it's useful to go back to the motivations for the delegation,
and to what is actually written in it. I somehow have the impression
that lots of people are talking about the chairs delegation without
having taken a recent, deep look at it.
You would have to ask Zack for his exact
Giacomo Catenazzi writes:
>> On 22 Sep 2015, at 23:00, Philip Hands wrote:
>> Margarita Manterola writes:
>>> Hi,
>>> On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 10:29 PM, Philip Hands wrote:
Could someone explain the purpose of the co-ordination team?
>>> From last week's meeting [1]: