Philipp Hug dijo [Mon, May 27, 2013 at 02:13:58PM +0200]:
> Hi,
> I discussed our open issues with LeCamp last Friday and today.
Thanks a lot, and thanks for reporting this!
> Which were:
> * Camping:
> During DebCamp we'll share LeCamp with other groups so there's not much
> space available f
Quoting Philipp Hug (
> Hi,
> I discussed our open issues with LeCamp last Friday and today.
Side comment, but something I should start caring about: is there
anything special we'd need to care about wrt LeCamp when it comes at
the Cheese and Wine Party?
No, I'll only take care of contractual/financial issues with LeCamp.
They suggested that we define the Point of Contacts on our side for the
different areas. E.g. Food, accomodation, tech, catering/bar, financial and
give them a list to avoid confusion.
We should put this on the agenda for t
> * Own Bar:
> They'll try to organize the fridge, so we can set up our bar during
> DebCamp already.
I tried to contact Mr. Pianaro concerning the organisation of the bar
but I had no answer.
Did you talked with him about it?
Are you actually taking care of the bar organisation discussin