ns we won't want
bunkhouse accom. Is there a page with other options?
I just filled in some travel info on
https://wiki.debconf.org/action/edit/DebConf15/Welcome as there didn't
seem to be any :-)
Principal hats: Linaro, Debian, Wookware, ARM
+++ DebConf Registration Team [2013-08-13 16:39 +]:
> Hi Wookey
> Tomorrow (Wednesday) is the day trip.
> You have selected the following DayTrip option and we have compiled
> the relevant information for you:
> You have an invalid selection for the day
s simply won't play,
but at least 80% do. They do put up a tiresome banner talling you to
upgrade to flash 10, but at least you can close it, and it does still
work with 8/9, unlike so many site that just tell you your flash is
"'too old' - piss off"
Anyone know what the state
300 euro.
I'm not sure exactly how this info will/should affect the process. I
guess the main thing is that people should at least know they will get
the money 3 months in advance. If it's only 2 months then expect the
costs to almost double.
Principal hats: Linaro,