few days, in this moment we did not feel
very well, sorry.
> ___
> Debconf-team mailing list
> Debconf-team@lists.debconf.org
> http://lists.debconf.org/mailman/listinfo/debconf-team
The Venezuelan Team proposes Puerto La Cruz as a city for Debconf 14
The debconf wiki [a] has a initial proposals and we're working to improve it
Best regards
[a] https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf14/PuertoLaCruz
Hector Colina.
Sorry for the delay.
This timeline sound ok for me too.
Acording to olger, we need work in
http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf9/Meetings for the next meeting.
Hector Colina. Linux counter id 131637
Debian user, aka e1th0r
Hector Colina. Linux counter id 131637
Debian user, aka e1th0r
Mérida-Venezuela http://e1th0r.gulmer.org.ve
Key fingerprint = 6FA1 6D2F CF9E 5C86 7DC5 EF2C 881F 07E7 D12F 702D
Anibal, conseguí esta información, quizas te pueda servir.
Hello anibal, maybee the next link could be useful for you.
La revolución no se hace únicamente con las armas
paradise, take easy.
Hector Colina. Linux counter id 131637
Debian user, aka e1th0r
Mérida-Venezuela http://e1th0r.gulmer.org.ve
Key fingerprint = 6FA1
6D2F CF9E 5C86 7DC5 EF2C 881F 07E7 D12F 702D