Quoting Andreas Tille (andr...@an3as.eu):
> Hi,
> I vaguely remember that somewhere on a debconf list was mentioned that
> you can go swimming in the nearby pool or in Neckar. Since I'd like
> to go swimming everywhere I checked the Neckar-Option and found the
> following German information:
I vaguely remember that somewhere on a debconf list was mentioned that
you can go swimming in the nearby pool or in Neckar. Since I'd like
to go swimming everywhere I checked the Neckar-Option and found the
following German information:
Hi Eoin
Am 05.08.2015 um 17:18 schrieb Eoin:
> Are you still looking for volunteers for DebConf in Heidelburgh?
There will be a vounteer management tool (a test only setup is already
at https://summittest.debconf.org/debconf15/volunteers/ - if you're
Hi Alberto
Am 03.08.2015 um 22:54 schrieb Alberto Rasillo:
> I am interesting participate as volunteer, what are the conditions, tasks
> etc? I am from Spain.
Thanks for the offer.
The only condition is the registration for the conference.
There will be a vounteer management tool (a test only se