Agreed. Mixing dc14 and dc15 is bound to lead to confusion.
Sent by mobile; excuse my brevity.
Debconf-team mailing list
also sprach Holger Levsen [2014-03-18 15:45 +0100]:
> sigh. This is a misunderstanding. DebConf15 will be organized on
>, just as every other DebConf.
> I wonder if this mailing list should be closed already. We usually
> just want+need bid specific lists, _before
On Montag, 17. März 2014,
> The Debian Project
> Debian Project News
On Montag, 17. März 2014, Brian Gupta wrote:
> I just heard from one potential sponsor that they would have loved to
> sponsor DC14, but that they finalized their 2014 sponsorships in Nov
> of 2013.
Same as it ever was. This is really no news. And as always it depends on the
upcoming local/s
Hi Martin,
I like your ideas and your enthusiasm! Just a few comments:
On Dienstag, 18. März 2014, martin f krafft wrote:
> 5. This does not mean that we shouldn't engage with potential
>sponsors in deals such as "gold for the next 5 years for
>$12,000/year" and never downgrade them below
Dear Brian,
thanks for getting the ball rolling on this. There are multiple
points in your e-mail and I shall try to address them individually.
If there are replies, it might make sense to split the points into
different messages an amend the subject.
1. The idea to contact those potential DC14 s