We were discussing about the sponsorship levels for DebConf12 on IRC and now
we're taking the discussion to the maling list. :)
We have a (draft) Spanish version of the Sponsorship brochure on the wiki [0]
and we are checking the sponsorship levels [1] with the debconf-sponsors-team.
Hi Leandro,
On Donnerstag, 24. November 2011, Leandro Gómez wrote:
> http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf12/Meetings#Global_team_meeting.2C_2_De
> cember_2011.2C_18:00_UTC
I added debconf11 final report and dc13 schedule.
Thanks for the reminder!
Greetings and hope to be in the meeting and also help a bit with some
translations into Spanish after the meeting.
Greetings from Colombia
El 23 de noviembre de 2011 18:54, Leandro Gómez escribió:
> Hello!
> We have global team meeting on Friday 2 December / 18UTC at #debconf-team
> on irc.oft