for yourself. After that, everyone will be able to update the DebConf
registration to include your gpg key and participate on the DebConf
keysigning party.
Additional information:
Mentors: Carlos Henrique Lima Melara (Charles)
Pirate Praveen
(People interested to mentor, add y
Hi, Jonathan!
On Wed, Sep 06, 2023 at 09:03:26AM +0100, Jonathan McDowell wrote:
> This is extremely tight timing for those who want their keys to be part
> of the "official" keysigning list. As per my mail to -announce I'm
> collating these details today, aiming to produce the list this evening
On Mon, Jul 22, 2024 at 06:40:52PM GMT, Samuel Henrique wrote:
> I know this is unlikely, but figured I should ask anyway.
> I assume there are sports courts at the university, including a court for
> basketball, is anyone playing it?
I'd love to play! Not sure we can use the courts though
Last year I did a small workshop explaining the basics of GPG and
asymetric cryptography to newcomers and helped them to create their
own GPG key so they could join our keysigning party.
I'd like to do this again but I'm not seeing as many local newcomers
around. Would anyone be interested? W
Hi again,
On Wed, Jul 24, 2024 at 02:57:36PM GMT, Carlos Henrique Lima Melara wrote:
> Last year I did a small workshop explaining the basics of GPG and
> asymetric cryptography to newcomers and helped them to create their
> own GPG key so they could join our keysigning party.
Hi there,
Sorry for the spam, but since I pitched the BoF [1] in Debconf 101 talk,
I think it's a duty to inform you that it has been moved to Monday 16:30
GMT+9 at Pado (yeah, it's tomorrow, or today depending on when you are
reading this mail :-).
[1] https://debconf24.debconf.