We would like to clarify some issues related to Brazil and DebConf19.
So, if you have any concern about Brazil (food, security, immigration,
people, and so on) please don't be shy and send to us.
If you don't feel comfortable to send to the list, please, send to me
in private.
We will provid
Hi Paul,
Em qua, 13 de fev de 2019 às 23:07, Paul Wise escreveu:
> Is immigration likely to require social media passwords, searching devices
> etc?
Best regards,
Adriana C. da Costa
> >> I'm looking the Important Dates DebConf19 Page [1] looking for some
> >> relevant information about the registration and bursary request process,
> >> and saw some of the stages started by February 15 but can't see how to
> >> apply, is there an issue with the website registration mechanism or
Hi Sam!
Em ter, 2 de abr de 2019 às 15:55, Sam Hartman escreveu:
> I guess at one level I could always submit the event and the organizers
> could decide whether to approve it or not, but it is work to put
> something like that together. So before I submit something I want to
> see if people w
Hi everyone!
We have heard about Debian Community good taste in music! ;-)
So, we created a form to prepare a setlist to use during social events
at DebConf19 and you can tell us about your experience in the Debian
Project as well.
We would like to have your help to celebrate DebConf19 and have
In a month we will be in Curitiba to start DebCamp and DebConf19! \o/
This C&W is the 15th official DebConf Cheese and Wine party. The first
C&W was improvised in Helsinki during DebConf 5, in the so-called
"French" room.
Cheese and Wine parties are now a tradition for DebConf. The event is
In my opinion a good option is take the bus "aeroporto executivo", is
a line for travelers from airport to especific bus stop in the city.
You can take the bus at the airport and arrive at Shopping estação
(Estação mall)
It is the option Coach on DC19 website
:50AM -0300, Adriana Cássia wrote:
> > In my opinion a good option is take the bus "aeroporto executivo", is
> > a line for travelers from airport to especific bus stop in the city.
> > You can take the bus at the airport and arrive at Shopping estação
> > (Est
Hi Carlos,
Next to the Hotel there are at least two laundry options, but I don't
have ideia how much it is, you can check with them.
At the hotel they will provide the price according to the clothes type
and the payment will be on your own costs.
Lavanderia maia
Rua Tibagi, 744 - Centro
CEP: 80060
DebConf19 is coming and a lot a people going to travel soon, so just
to remember!
This C&W is the 15th official DebConf Cheese and Wine party. The first
C&W was improvised in Helsinki during DebConf 5, in the so-called
"French" room.
Cheese and Wine parties are now a tradition for DebConf. T
Hi Carlos,
We already finish this issue.
You can check your roomate in your bursaries details on
Best regards,
Em sex, 12 de jul de 2019 às 12:47, Carlos Donizete Froes
> Hi,
> In the hotel where we will be, each room will be of people from the sa
Hi David,
I think they close the laundy in the shopping mall :(
Dido you check the two options that I sent?
Lavanderia maia
Rua Tibagi, 744 - Centro
CEP: 80060-110 - Curitiba-PR
Laundromat (I'm not sure if they speak english, maybe it is better check
when you ar
Hi everyone!
Information about TuristicPointsTour trip.
Departure time: 09:00 at Venue
Lunch will be in the
Wear comfortable shoes and it's nice to bring a bottle of water.
The schedule is here
Best regards,
Adriana C. da Costa
Hi Ralf,
I had to change the departure to Venue. Now I changed in the wiki page as
best regards,
Em ter, 23 de jul de 2019 às 19:24, Ralf Treinen escreveu:
> On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 07:10:37PM -0300, Adriana Cássia wrote:
> > Information about TuristicPointsTour trip.
It will be a special presentation because Sam should enjoy the dinner as
well. :-)
Best regards,
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