Re: contemplating to have a reiki circle in debconf 2018 ? - Wellness.

2018-02-11 Thread Dan Jacobson
Or at least have a Debian Developer inter-personality conflict reduction workshop, lead by human relations experts in the free software community.

Re: Hualien Tourism Revival Efforts and Taiwan's Toilet Paper Panic Highlights Conglomerate Power

2018-03-17 Thread Dan Jacobson
Yes we have officially run out of toilet paper here in Taiwan. Therefore all conference attendees are officially advised to bring their own.* *only joking.

Re: crazy idea for debconf - LARP or/and wearing T-shirts from somewhere else.

2018-03-17 Thread Dan Jacobson
We can role play 1. The stoic Debian Developer, 115 Moby Thesaurus words for "stoic": enumbed, blah, blase, bovine, calm, cloistered, comatose, cool, desensitized, detached, disciplined, disinterested, dispassionate, dull, dwindling, ebbing... who it takes a lot of bug reports fr

Register for Industry DayTrip A now

2018-04-12 Thread Dan Jacobson
Be sure to register for Industry DayTrip A now. 258 people max. After 5/31 all empty spots will no longer be available to DebConf participants. .

Re: Register for Industry DayTrip A now

2018-04-12 Thread Dan Jacobson
The industries* we are to visit, listed there on , only accept groups, not individuals. There are many groups other than DebConf that will be vying for 8/1. I need to show them hard proof I will really use the time slots I have reserved with them. E

Re: [a bit OT maybe] report on Taiwan's electronic industry

2018-05-21 Thread Dan Jacobson
Yes is very nice but it is not going to help increase registration much for which closes May 31. But not to worry, there will be plenty of other pleasant

Need Chinese proficient DayTrip group leaders 徵一日遊領隊

2018-06-19 Thread Dan Jacobson
Looking for Chinese proficient DayTrip group leaders 今 增台北101、國立故宮博物院、六福村主題遊樂園,等, 惟缺領隊… get in touch with me.

Re: HAM radio, free frequencies, bring my own rig

2018-07-13 Thread Dan Jacobson
Maybe ask in .

Re: Swimming?

2018-07-15 Thread Dan Jacobson
What a wonderful idea. Next week I'll research putting the NCTU pool(s) into the DayTrips...

Re: Official schedule!

2018-07-16 Thread Dan Jacobson
Gunnar, I sent you many corrections. Check your spam box. If you say DayTrip starts at 10:00 many teams will miss their buses.

Re: Official schedule!

2018-07-18 Thread Dan Jacobson
As you see on some trips start as early as 07:45. Only one starts as late as 10:00. says DayTrip by Wen Liao. But his 10 person DayTrip starts at 08:50,

Re: 28th schedule (Re: Official schedule!)

2018-07-19 Thread Dan Jacobson
> "HY" == Hideki Yamane writes: HY> And I've noticed there's no schedule info about 28th (Open day). HY> Is it intended or will be updated later? In fact should have a link at the top noting there is also even DebCamp starting at 7/21! Yes it is noted